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We know and understand God by reading His Word. Every page speaks His name, every scripture reveals His character. Create a time for purposeful Bible reading.

Nehemiah points to the Greater Nehemiah, Jesus Christ, offering a look forward within the redemptive story arc. Nehemiah shows us how to step out boldly on behalf of faith, how to get involved, how to live in community with the gifts God has given. we are all one and have much to contribute.

Oh Lord light a fire in us for your Word. That our hearts would clamor for the Book! That our souls would shout, "BRING OUT THE BOOK!" That we would purposefully, attentively, thoughtfully, prayerfully consume the Word. That our posture would reflect our desire to learn and listen to you speak Lord. Let us feel responsive to the Word, let it penetrate. Let us truly see our spiritual condition and existing weaknesses. Let us seek joy, the true joy that that bubbles up from within and is only found at the foot of the cross, rather than the sort of generic happiness the world is peddling. Let us stand tall on the rock as children of the promise, knowing your great grace will have the last word.

Father help us to grow in your Word where we see your character revealed. Every page speaks your Holy name. Thank you Lord for the undeserved grace you pour out on us in a continued stream and for the joy we find at the cross. Focus our attentions on the far reaching arm of the Gospel that defeats the enemy when he would taunt and lie. Lord give us a desire to remain in community, adopted daughters sharing in the joy of your presence. In this time of moral bankruptcy help us to be a beacon, a light shining your glory to those around us.

TACC Women's Ministries hosted "In the Garden" a ladies outdoor brunch. June Hetzel, Biola Dean of Education, spoke to those present about the importance of prayer.

Vulnerable authenticity enables others to love us where we are, to meet us in our pain, to pray specifically, and to support us when we are suffering.

Father's Day is a day chosen to honor fathers and all they do to bless our lives. For some the sting of fatherless childhoods, single motherhood, or the loss of a father can bring hurt to the surface.

Marriage is a representation of Christ and the church and a love so amazing it is poured out for all eternity in a never ending stream of grace covering all sin for all time. It highlights in two people the growth and spiritual maturity achieved through Christ over time. The marriage metaphor allows us to fully appreciate the enormity of God's love, mercy, and grace.

Have we lost the art of servanthood? Have we allowed the world to twist, pull, corrupt, and change the definition of a word originally intended to mean a demonstration; a beautiful outpouring of our love for each other expressed as a devoted waiting upon?

Prayer is an expression of our heart, an outpouring of intimacy, a loving dialogue with the Father.The Word of God makes it clear we are to participate in prayer. How do we focus on becoming improved pray-ers?