Jun 21
In the Garden
TACC Women's Ministries hosted "In the Garden" a ladies outdoor brunch. June Hetzel, Biola Dean of Education, spoke to those present about the importance of prayer.
Jun 21
TACC Women's Ministries hosted "In the Garden" a ladies outdoor brunch. June Hetzel, Biola Dean of Education, spoke to those present about the importance of prayer.
Jun 20
Vulnerable authenticity enables others to love us where we are, to meet us in our pain, to pray specifically, and to support us when we are suffering.
Jun 14
Father's Day is a day chosen to honor fathers and all they do to bless our lives. For some the sting of fatherless childhoods, single motherhood, or the loss of a father can bring hurt to the surface.
Jun 7
Marriage is a representation of Christ and the church and a love so amazing it is poured out for all eternity in a never ending stream of grace covering all sin for all time. It highlights in two people the growth and spiritual maturity achieved through Christ over time. The marriage metaphor allows us to fully appreciate the enormity of God's love, mercy, and grace.