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We know and understand God by reading His Word. Every page speaks His name, every scripture reveals His character. Create a time for purposeful Bible reading.

Father's Day is a day chosen to honor fathers and all they do to bless our lives. For some the sting of fatherless childhoods, single motherhood, or the loss of a father can bring hurt to the surface.

Marriage is a representation of Christ and the church and a love so amazing it is poured out for all eternity in a never ending stream of grace covering all sin for all time. It highlights in two people the growth and spiritual maturity achieved through Christ over time. The marriage metaphor allows us to fully appreciate the enormity of God's love, mercy, and grace.

Have we lost the art of servanthood? Have we allowed the world to twist, pull, corrupt, and change the definition of a word originally intended to mean a demonstration; a beautiful outpouring of our love for each other expressed as a devoted waiting upon?

Prayer is an expression of our heart, an outpouring of intimacy, a loving dialogue with the Father.The Word of God makes it clear we are to participate in prayer. How do we focus on becoming improved pray-ers?

"Motherhood is about the adoration and enjoyment of our great God," Gloria Furman. Changing our thoughts on the goals of motherhood. Rooting ourselves firmly in Christ as we navigate the motherhood path.

We celebrate the grace of Christ and proclaim His glory through baptism. We announce to our brothers and sisters we have trusted in Christ, our old self has died. Baptism serves as a celebration, proclamation,and an illustration of what it means to be a Christian not just for the person immersed but for the church as a Gospel reflection.

What happens on the Monday following Easter when the candy and discarded broken and bent baskets are heaped into the clearance bin and the backdrop shifts? Our excitement and joy may wane and the treasure become less distinct. John Piper believes this is the time we should draw upon the strength of our brothers and sisters sharing ours in return as "...our worst spiritual and emotional collapses often follow in the wake of our happiest, most victorious experiences."

All Christians suffer. Either you have, you are, or you will. It is comforting to know we are not alone in this suffering as the presence of God is with us.

Pinning our hopes on a wordly ideal this Valentine's Day can leave us wanting more. When we realize it's not about us, it's about God, we are full of the indescribable joy that comes from the glory of God.