Feb 14
Who Holds Your Heart?
Valentine's Day can be difficult when we are left with unmet expectations. Find true contentment in the Lord.
Feb 14
Valentine's Day can be difficult when we are left with unmet expectations. Find true contentment in the Lord.
Jan 24
Grace poured out and undeserving changes us from inside out; filling us with the love of Christ that bubbles forth unbidden reflecting the glory of God.
Father help us to grow in your Word where we see your character revealed. Every page speaks your Holy name. Thank you Lord for the undeserved grace you pour out on us in a continued stream and for the joy we find at the cross. Focus our attentions on the far reaching arm of the Gospel that defeats the enemy when he would taunt and lie. Lord give us a desire to remain in community, adopted daughters sharing in the joy of your presence. In this time of moral bankruptcy help us to be a beacon, a light shining your glory to those around us.
Heaven is for Real! God's promises assure us of that. Why then do we seek out pop cultural near death accounts to provide reassurance?
Harried, hurried this Christmas season? Refocus, realign, and re-entrench yourself in the Word.Fix your eyes on the cross and rediscover indescribable overflowing joy!
The more we immerse ourselves in Gospel truth the more we are captivated by Christ. Our desire to know Him grows exponentially and we become more purposeful in our pursuit; cultivating inexpressible joy at the foot of the Cross and in the presence of God.