Join us each Sunday at 10:30am, In-person or via Livestream!


"do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." Philippians 2:4

How we react to others' brokenness speaks volumes. Do we circle the herd, lean in, speak truth to the one who is dying inside, struggling, wrecked, and alone; wading in and meeting our sister where she is—in her pain? Do we hurt with her—suffering as a member of the same body; weep with her (Romans 12:15); remembering the "...weaker are indispensable" (1 Corinthians 12:22).

We don't have to judge, understand, or have the same hurts—we just need to love with a humble, other centered love. It requires us to step outside of ourselves to really see those around us. It costs something to put others' ahead of ourselves—to serve, press in, hold on. This in-reach serves a double purpose it draws the body in closer and it allows those in the community to see a church that loves one another— making Jesus known as we go against the cultural grain of societal expectations, putting others' first, serving even when it hurts, reflecting our King to the darkness of the world—transformed and transforming. This may be the most life giving thing about us.

Open the door of grace, gather around one in need, and shine the light of Christ.

God can use you as a means of light in the darkness of your friend’s soul, if only you are willing to be the Christ-infusing presence she needs as she walks through depression...continue reading here: How To Love Your Depressed Friend (Part 1)

Even the most resilient church members have bad days. Some days our hearts feel so fragile that we can’t bear the thought of rubbing up against the opinions of others...continue reading here: Why the Church Needs Struggling Members