"A Great Storm, A Great Calm, A Great Fear"
Series: Children's House Celebration Sunday Passage: Luke 8:22–25
Luke 8:22-25; Job 37-41; Job 37:13; Psalm 8:1-9; 19:1-6; 104:1-35; 107:23-32; Matthew 11:28-30
1. A Great and Perfect Storm.
2. A Great and Masterful Calm.
3. A Great and Glorious Fear.
Questions for discussion
1. What is your favorite “nature” event, scene, or experience? What about God is revealed in this? What draws you to the same experience? How many times have you shared this with others? Why?
2. What is your favorite Bible verse about nature? How does Job 37:13 help us understand the workings of God in nature?
3. Is God in, above, beyond, or controlling nature?
4. What about Jesus’ yoke is pleasant? Matthew 11:28-30.
5. When you are going through difficult times what helps you in turning to God? How can we prepare for difficult times?