"Resting Safely Under the Throne"
Series: Introducing...THE FIGHT Passage: Hebrews 4:14–16
Sunday Sermon: December 3rd, 2017
“What is it, then, that this desire and this inability proclaim to us, but that there was once in man a true happiness of which there now remain to him only the mark and empty trace, which he in vain tries to fill from all his surroundings, seeking from things absent the help he does not obtain in things present? But these are all inadequate, because the infinite abyss can only be filled by an infinite and immutable object, that is to say, only by God Himself.” Blaise Pascal
“Thou movest us to delight in praising Thee; for Thou hast formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee.” St. Augustine
1. Know this: Jesus is better than everything and anything. Hold Him fast, Hebrews 1-14.
2. Warning: we are highly susceptible to calloused, hard, complacent, anxiety-ridden wandering hearts that wander from His greatness, Hebrews 1-14.
3. Perseverance and rest comes from our brothers in the form of encouragement, Hebrews 3:12-13.
4. Believe, trust and obey because perseverance and rest are gifts of God for today and tomorrow, Hebrews 4:1-11.
5. Let the great and glorious book do its work: knowing Him leads to knowing yourself deeply, Hebrews 4:12-13; Psalm 139:23-24; John 14-16; 1 Corinthians 2:9-16.
6. We have an experienced, successful, great High Priest who knows the way of perseverance: He dispenses mercy and grace to those who come to Him in need, Hebrews 4:14-16.
other sermons in this series
Dec 17
"Praying in the Holy Spirit"
Passage: Jude 1:20–25 Series: Introducing...THE FIGHT
Dec 10
"Brave Heart"
Passage: James 5:7–20 Series: Introducing...THE FIGHT
Nov 26
"The Fight of Your Life for Your Life"
Passage: 1 Timothy 1:18– 2:7 Series: Introducing...THE FIGHT