"When There's No Need to be Ashamed"
Speaker: Jim Hill Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer Passage: Romans 1:8–17
Sunday Sermon: July 29th, 2018
* Encouraging words the Apostle Paul uses to encourage the church in Rome.
a. The Apostle Paul T____________ the Lord because of the F____________ of those in Rome is being R______________ all over the world.
b. Paul longs to S__________ them in order to I_____________ some spiritual G____________ to them.
c. The Apostle Paul D__________ to be E_______________ by their faith as he would like them to be encouraged by H__________ F____________.
d. The Apostle Paul desires to have a H___________ among them just has he did with the other Gentiles.
e. The Apostle is E___________ to preach the Gospel to Greeks and non-Greeks because he is O___________________ to do so.
* What the Gospel means to the Apostle Paul.
- Paul is N__________ A_______________ of the Gospel.
- Paul U______________ the P____________ of the Gospel.
- In the G____________ is a R_____________ from God R______________ - a righteousness that is by F___________ from first to last: “the R_________________ shall L__________ by F___________.”
other sermons in this series
Dec 2
"All Things New"
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 21:1–7 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer
Nov 11
"Worship and the Lamb"
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 5:1–16 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer
Nov 4
"The Race Set Before Us. . ."
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Hebrews 12:1–2 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer