Kimyal Bible Video Link here.
1. Warning # 1: A false sense of being right with God is a catastrophic error to make, Matthew 7:13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 27.
2. Warning # 2: Gates and roads are both important (being truly converted and truly obedient); however, the gate comes first, Matthew 7:13-14.
3. Warning # 3: Are you listening to and believing false teachers? Matthew 7:15-20.
4. Warning # 4: Does God know you? Matthew 7:21-23.
5. Warning # 5: Does your worldview answer life’s deepest questions? Matthew 7:24-27, 13, 19, 21, 23, 27.
Questions for discussion
1. Ask several members of the group to relate their conversion experience in 2 minutes or less. Ask them to include how their lives have changes over the last several months in obedience to Christ.
2. Why does praying a prayer not save? Does our sincerity save? Who saves? Is there a Bible verse than speaks to what must we do to be saved? Acts 2, Romans 10, others?
3. Jesus’ warnings are fairly straightforward. Why do you think he is so blunt? Is it wrong for us to be blunt?
4. Why does Jesus, “strive to enter the narrow gate.” Luke 13:23-27. Isn’t salvation easy?
other sermons in this series
Jun 26
Jun 12
"What Do Those Wedding Vows Mean?"
Passage: Ephesians 5:22–33 Series: Follow Me
May 29
"Praying for Forgiveness - Part 2"
Passage: 2 Corinthians 7:9–13 Series: Follow Me