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March 4, 2018

"Taking Back Sunday"

Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer Passage: Mark 2:23– 3:6

Sunday Sermon: March 4, 2018

“At their core, all other religions call us to follow religious rules and regulations. And if we're not careful, this kind of thinking becomes the foundation for how we live as Christians; we begin to think that if we pray enough, if we study the Bible enough, if we avoid certain sins, if we come to worship, if we help other people, if we go overseas in missions, if we do any number of things, we will become more acceptable to God.” David Platt
1. Thou shalt stop slaving; thou shalt stop judging; thou shalt stop working for heaven.
2. Thou shalt rest in Jesus; He is the great provider.
3. Thou shalt share the rest.

other sermons in this series

Dec 2


"All Things New"

Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 21:1–7 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer

Nov 11


"Worship and the Lamb"

Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 5:1–16 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer

Nov 4