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May 20, 2018

"A Community of the Broken"

Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer Passage: Luke 7:36–50

Sunday Sermon: May 20th, 2018

Oh Lord, please light the fire
That once burned bright and clean
Replace the lamp of my first love
That burns with holy fear.
Keith Green

“In Luke’s Gospel Jesus got himself killed because of the way he ate.” Robert Karris

1. Jesus, the One full of grace and truth, gave great grace and great truth to an underserving sinner.
2. The overflow of being forgiven is love for our Lord.
3. Forgiven sinners, who love the Lord, experience great peace.

other sermons in this series

Dec 2


"All Things New"

Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 21:1–7 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer

Nov 11


"Worship and the Lamb"

Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 5:1–16 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer

Nov 4