Speaker: Bob Osborne Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer Passage: Acts 22:1–23
Sunday Sermon: July 22, 2018
“The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives.” (D.L. Moody”
KNOWLEDGE – Overview of Acts 19-25
Today’s Main Text: Acts 22:1-23
- Verse 3: See Acts 5:33-40
- Verses 4-5: Paul’s persecution of “the Way”
- Acts 8:3
- Acts 9:1-2
- Verses 6-10: Paul’s encounter with Jesus Christ – The day everything changed (see Acts 9:1-2)
- Verses 11-16: The ministry of Ananias
- Verses 17-21: Paul’s calling
- Verses 22-23: The rage among the crowd. Why so angry?
LIFE CHANGE – Three applications
- Paul’s Story –
- His story before becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ
- His story about his encounter with Jesus Christ
- His story after his encounter with Jesus Christ
What’s YOUR story? Do you TELL it to OTHERS ?
- Is the Gospel for US or for THEM? Are we like the crowd in Jerusalem?
- God WINS.
- From Paul’s earliest walk with Christ, GOD was taking him to ROME.
- Acts 9:15
- Acts 22:21
- Acts 26:17
- Acts 23:11
- We reaped the benefits of Paul’s obedience to God’s plan
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- Philemon
- II Timothy
- From Paul’s earliest walk with Christ, GOD was taking him to ROME.
Ray Chang: 3 Things Healthy Churches Do
- They win people to Jesus Christ
- They strengthen and encourage the disciples
- They develop leaders
other sermons in this series
Dec 2
"All Things New"
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 21:1–7 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer
Nov 11
"Worship and the Lamb"
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 5:1–16 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer
Nov 4
"The Race Set Before Us. . ."
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Hebrews 12:1–2 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer