"It's Better Higher Up"
Speaker: Jim Hill Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer Passage: Romans 8:28
Sunday Sermon: August 5th, 2018
A. Of those who love God: who are these?
B. He works together: what does together mean?
C. All things: what does ‘all things’ mean?
D. Into Good: what does ‘good’ mean?
E. To those called according to His purpose: who are these?
Where is God in life’s difficulties?
(Make general notes here and on the backside)
Something to take away today!
1. God is S_____________________.
2. We sometimes get C__________ because God doesn’t always act the way we
T_________ He should act.
3. God absolutely works together for our M_______ G________ so that we might be conformed to Him because we have been called according to His purpose.
4. While we don’t always know what God’s plans are, we DO K_________
H__________ by his character, and His character is good.
5. Our focus is A__________ S_____________ upon our earthly life, while God’s
F____________ is on your E______________ condition.
other sermons in this series
Dec 2
"All Things New"
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 21:1–7 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer
Nov 11
"Worship and the Lamb"
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Revelation 5:1–16 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer
Nov 4
"The Race Set Before Us. . ."
Speaker: Pastor Craig Hill Passage: Hebrews 12:1–2 Series: The Fight: The Year of Prayer