"Averting Catastrophic Failure"
Series: Shock & Awe: The Year of the Bible 2017 Passage: Daniel 6:10, Daniel 9:1–23
Sunday Sermon August 6th, 2017
1. The Bible is the great ultimate source for knowing God’s purposes, plan, and will, Daniel 9:2, 10; Jeremiah 25:11; 1 Kings 8:46-52; Nehemiah 9:10; Ephesians 1:10-11.
2. The means and strategy for accomplishing God’s plan were more important to Daniel, and his friends, than living, Daniel 6:10; 3:16-18; Philippians 1:21.
3. Daniel prayed and confessed and mourned over his sin, and the sin of the church, Daniel 9; James 4:1-10.
4. Daniel gave thanks in prayer three times a day, Daniel 6:10.
5. Daniel pleaded with God in prayer to carry out God’s plan, Daniel 9:19-20.
6. Daniel knew that God moves in response to prayer and in accordance with His Word, Daniel 2:17-23; 4:25; 9:23; 1 Kings 8:46-51.
other sermons in this series
Nov 19
"Together for the Gospel"
Passage: Philippians 1:27– 2:30 Series: Shock & Awe: The Year of the Bible 2017
Nov 12
"There are No Mere Mortals"
Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:1– 5:21 Series: Shock & Awe: The Year of the Bible 2017
Nov 5
"The Plague of Self-Deception"
Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:18– 4:5 Series: Shock & Awe: The Year of the Bible 2017