"In Jesus' Name, Amen"
Series: Shock & Awe: The Year of the Bible 2017 Passage: Daniel 10:12
Sunday Sermon: August 13, 2017
1. The Bible is the great ultimate source for knowing God’s purposes, plan, and will, Daniel 9:2, 10; Jeremiah 25:11; 1 Kings 8:46-52; Nehemiah 9:10; Ephesians 1:10-11.
2. The means and strategy for accomplishing God’s plan were more important to Daniel, and his friends, than living, Daniel 6:10; 3:16-18; Philippians 1:21.
3. Daniel prayed and confessed and mourned over his sin, and the sin of the church, Daniel 9; James 4:1-10.
4. Daniel gave thanks in prayer three times a day, Daniel 6:10.
5. Daniel’s distress, trembling and alarm, can only be remedied in Christ, Daniel 7:15, 28; 8:17, 27; 9:21; 10:2, 8, 11, 16; 12:8; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 Peter 1:3-12; Isaiah 9:6.
“Abraham Kuyper (1837– 1920), the brilliant journalist, theologian, and prime minister of the Netherlands, once wrote, ‘If once the curtain were pulled back, and the spiritual world behind it came to view, it would expose to our spiritual vision a struggle so intense, so convulsive, sweeping everything within its range, that the fiercest battle ever fought on earth would seem, by comparison, a mere game.’ Not here, but up there— that is where the real conflict is waged. Our earthly struggle drones in its backlash.” Daniel Ferguson
My action plan:
other sermons in this series
Nov 19
"Together for the Gospel"
Passage: Philippians 1:27– 2:30 Series: Shock & Awe: The Year of the Bible 2017
Nov 12
"There are No Mere Mortals"
Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:1– 5:21 Series: Shock & Awe: The Year of the Bible 2017
Nov 5
"The Plague of Self-Deception"
Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:18– 4:5 Series: Shock & Awe: The Year of the Bible 2017