What comes to mind when you hear the word "worship?" Do you think of the music or do you think about God; His character, nature, grace...? Do you come to church to be entertained or as an active participant?
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Jul 26
Who Are You Wearing?
Do clothes really make the woman? Is outward appearance truly a reflection of success and well being. If we look a certain way will it solve all of our ills?
May 31
Servanthood: A Lost Art?
Have we lost the art of servanthood? Have we allowed the world to twist, pull, corrupt, and change the definition of a word originally intended to mean a demonstration; a beautiful outpouring of our love for each other expressed as a devoted waiting upon?
Prayer is an expression of our heart, an outpouring of intimacy, a loving dialogue with the Father.The Word of God makes it clear we are to participate in prayer. How do we focus on becoming improved pray-ers?
Our soul cries out as a "deer pants for water" and "thirsts for God" (Psalm 42:1-2). Quench this thirst by hearing purposefully, reading consistently, studying deeply, memorizing intentionally, meditating thoughtfully, and applying God's Word accordingly.
Crave the milk and meat of the Gospel, delight in the Lord. As your knowledge of Him increases that love will bubble over to others.
Dec 24
Immanuel, "God With Us"
Believers are in the presence of Christ all of the time...[as] the constant presence of God, the indwelling Spirit. Jesus was and is still God with us"
Dec 9
It's All About the Presence | Christ in You
What does it mean to live in a way that acknowledges that "Christ is in you" and we are in His presence always? How can we be "Christ" to each other...intentionally loving each other as Christ first loved us?
The more we immerse ourselves in Gospel truth the more we are captivated by Christ. Our desire to know Him grows exponentially and we become more purposeful in our pursuit; cultivating inexpressible joy at the foot of the Cross and in the presence of God.
It takes little effort to open your mouth and give way to whatever wants to gush out. Controlling the tongue requires concentration, diligence, maturity, and wisdom (Proverbs 17:27-28). The tongue, left to its own devices, can spew words that ensnare us (Proverbs 6:2) and pierce others (Proverbs 12:18). Thoughtless rambling can lead to sin (Proverbs 10:19) or even death (Proverbs 18:21). Precious friends once offended by careless vitriol, disparaging remarks, sarcastic comments, or whispered tales could be lost forever (Proverbs 18:19).